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Building a Scalable Model for Nested Comments

Nested comments are a core feature in many applications, from social media platforms like Reddit and Facebook to content management systems. Designing a scalable database model to handle these comments efficiently is crucial. This post explores various approaches, their challenges, and trade-offs when implementing nested comments.

Part 1: Core Challenges of Nested Comments

What Makes Nested Comments Difficult?

  1. Arbitrary Depth: Users can keep replying to comments, creating trees with potentially unlimited depth.
  2. Efficient Queries: Applications often need to:
    • Fetch a comment and all its replies (subtree).
    • Retrieve only top-level comments and lazy-load replies.
    • Order comments by time, votes, or relevance.
  3. Dynamic Updates:
    • New comments may be added at any level of the tree.
    • Replies need to maintain hierarchy without requiring expensive updates.
  4. Pagination: Large threads require efficient pagination of both top-level and nested replies.

Goals of a Good Design

  • Query Efficiency: Fast subtree retrieval and lazy loading.
  • Scalability: Handle millions of comments and replies without performance degradation.
  • Flexibility: Support sorting, pagination, and dynamic updates.

Part 2: Database Models for Nested Comments

Several database models are commonly used to represent nested comments. Each has strengths and weaknesses depending on the use case.

1. Adjacency List Model

  • Structure: Each comment stores a reference to its parent using a parent_id.


    CREATE TABLE comments (
    parent_id INT NULL REFERENCES comments(id),
    content TEXT,
    created_at TIMESTAMP

    Example Data:

    IDParent IDContentCreated At
    1NULLRoot comment2025-01-01 12:00:00
    21Reply to Root2025-01-01 12:10:00
    32Nested reply2025-01-01 12:15:00
  • Advantages:

    • Simple and intuitive.
    • Easy to insert and update comments.
  • Disadvantages:

    • Fetching an entire subtree requires recursive queries, which can be slow in SQL databases without recursive CTEs (Common Table Expressions).
    • Pagination of nested replies is non-trivial.

2. Nested Set Model

  • Structure: The tree is flattened into a single table, and each node is assigned a left and right value based on a depth-first traversal.


    CREATE TABLE comments (
    left_id INT NOT NULL,
    right_id INT NOT NULL,
    content TEXT,
    created_at TIMESTAMP

    Example Data:

    IDLeft IDRight IDContentCreated At
    116Root comment2025-01-01 12:00:00
    223Reply to Root2025-01-01 12:10:00
    345Another reply2025-01-01 12:20:00
  • Advantages:

    • Fetching an entire subtree is a simple range query: SELECT * FROM comments WHERE left_id >= x AND right_id <= y.
    • No recursive queries required.
  • Disadvantages:

    • Updates are expensive. Inserting or deleting a comment requires recalculating left_id and right_id for many nodes.
    • Not ideal for dynamic updates.

3. Path Enumeration Model

  • Structure: Each comment stores its full path as a string (or array) representing its hierarchy.


    CREATE TABLE comments (
    path TEXT NOT NULL,
    content TEXT,
    created_at TIMESTAMP

    Example Data:

    IDPathContentCreated At
    11Root comment2025-01-01 12:00:00
    21.2Reply to Root2025-01-01 12:10:00
    31.2.3Nested reply2025-01-01 12:15:00
  • Advantages:

    • Fetching a subtree is efficient with a LIKE query: SELECT * FROM comments WHERE path LIKE '1.2.%'.
    • Insertion is straightforward—just append to the parent's path.
  • Disadvantages:

    • Path strings grow longer with deeper nesting.
    • Renaming or moving a subtree requires updating paths for all descendant nodes.

4. Materialized Path with DFS Index

This model combines the path enumeration model with a DFS-style index (described in earlier posts).

  • Structure: Each comment has:

    • A path for subtree queries.
    • start_id and end_id for range-based queries.


    CREATE TABLE comments (
    path TEXT NOT NULL,
    start_id INT NOT NULL,
    end_id INT NOT NULL,
    content TEXT,
    created_at TIMESTAMP

    Example Data:

    IDPathStart IDEnd IDContentCreated At
    1116Root comment2025-01-01 12:00:00
    21.223Reply to Root2025-01-01 12:10:00
    31.2.345Nested reply2025-01-01 12:15:00
  • Advantages:

    • Combines the benefits of both models:
      • Efficient subtree queries with start_id and end_id.
      • Flexible subtree manipulation with path.
  • Disadvantages:

    • Slightly more complex to implement.

Part 3: Queries for Each Model

Now, let’s explore how common operations like fetching subtrees, inserting comments, and handling dynamic updates work in each model.

1. Adjacency List Model

Query: Fetch a Subtree (Replies and Sub-replies)

  • Requires recursive queries using parent_id.
  • In SQL databases supporting Common Table Expressions (CTEs), you can use a recursive query:
SELECT * FROM comments WHERE id = 1 -- Start with the root comment
FROM comments c
INNER JOIN CommentTree ct ON c.parent_id =
SELECT * FROM CommentTree;

Insert a Comment

  • Simply insert a row with the appropriate parent_id:
INSERT INTO comments (parent_id, content, created_at) 
VALUES (2, 'This is a new reply', NOW());


  • Simple and intuitive schema.
  • Easy to insert or update individual comments.


  • Fetching a subtree is slow for deeply nested comments because recursive queries can be expensive.
  • Poor performance for large trees or when pagination is required.

2. Nested Set Model

Query: Fetch a Subtree (Replies and Sub-replies)

  • Use a range query with left_id and right_id:
FROM comments
WHERE left_id >= 2 AND right_id <= 4
ORDER BY left_id;

Insert a Comment

  • Inserting a comment requires recalculating the left_id and right_id for all affected nodes:
-- Shift the IDs of existing nodes to make space
UPDATE comments
SET left_id = CASE
WHEN left_id >= 4 THEN left_id + 2
ELSE left_id
right_id = CASE
WHEN right_id >= 4 THEN right_id + 2
ELSE right_id

-- Insert the new comment
INSERT INTO comments (left_id, right_id, content, created_at)
VALUES (4, 5, 'This is a new reply', NOW());


  • Fetching subtrees is very efficient (single range query).
  • Ordering of comments is inherent in the schema.


  • Dynamic updates are expensive because they require recalculating IDs for many nodes.
  • Poor scalability for systems with frequent insertions or deletions.

3. Path Enumeration Model

Query: Fetch a Subtree (Replies and Sub-replies)

  • Use a LIKE query to find all descendants of a given comment:
FROM comments
WHERE path LIKE '1.2.%'
ORDER BY path;

Insert a Comment

  • Generate a new path based on the parent’s path:
INSERT INTO comments (path, content, created_at) 
VALUES ('1.2.3', 'This is a new reply', NOW());


  • Subtree queries are simple and efficient for shallow hierarchies.
  • Dynamic updates are straightforward because no recalculation of existing nodes is needed.


  • Path strings grow longer with deeper nesting.
  • Moving a subtree (e.g., changing a parent) requires updating paths for all descendants.

4. Materialized Path with DFS Index

Query: Fetch a Subtree (Replies and Sub-replies)

  • Use start_id and end_id for range-based queries:
FROM comments
WHERE start_id >= 2 AND end_id <= 4
ORDER BY start_id;

Insert a Comment

  • Use the parent’s start_id and end_id to calculate the new node’s position:
    1. Find the parent node:
      SELECT start_id, end_id FROM comments WHERE id = 2;
    2. Insert the new comment:
      INSERT INTO comments (start_id, end_id, path, content, created_at) 
      VALUES (3, 3, '1.2.3', 'This is a new reply', NOW());


  • Combines the benefits of both path-based queries (path) and range-based queries (start_id, end_id).
  • Efficient for both static and dynamic hierarchies.


  • Slightly more complex schema and logic for maintaining indices.

Real-World Recommendations

Choosing the Right Model

  1. Adjacency List:

    • Best for small, shallow hierarchies with infrequent subtree queries.
    • Works well if your database supports recursive CTEs.
  2. Nested Set:

    • Ideal for static trees where insertions and deletions are rare.
    • Perfect for forums or documentation systems with pre-defined hierarchies.
  3. Path Enumeration:

    • Good for dynamic hierarchies with moderate depth.
    • Simple to implement and efficient for most use cases.
  4. Materialized Path with DFS Index:

    • Best for systems requiring a balance of dynamic updates and efficient subtree queries.
    • Suitable for nested comment systems in social media or content platforms like Reddit.

Part 4: Performance Trade-Offs

Each model has specific trade-offs based on its strengths and weaknesses. Let’s explore the performance trade-offs in detail and identify the best model for common scenarios.

Performance Comparison

1. Adjacency List Model

Fetch SubtreeSlowRequires recursive queries; performance worsens with tree depth.
Insert a CommentFastOnly involves inserting a single row without recalculations.
Delete a CommentModerateRequires deleting the comment and optionally reassigning orphaned children.
Re-parent a SubtreeDifficultMoving a subtree involves complex recursive updates.
PaginationSlowNeeds recursive queries to fetch paginated nested comments.

Best Use Case: Suitable for shallow hierarchies or systems with limited subtree queries, especially if your database supports recursive CTEs.

2. Nested Set Model

Fetch SubtreeFastSingle range query based on left_id and right_id.
Insert a CommentSlowRequires recalculating IDs for all nodes in the affected subtree.
Delete a CommentSlowSimilar to insertion; recalculates IDs for all affected nodes.
Re-parent a SubtreeVery SlowEntire tree needs re-indexing to adjust left_id and right_id.
PaginationFastSubtree and pagination are inherent with range queries.

Best Use Case: Ideal for static hierarchies, such as documentation trees, where updates are rare.

3. Path Enumeration Model

Fetch SubtreeFastSimple prefix-based queries using LIKE or array operations.
Insert a CommentFastRequires appending the parent path.
Delete a CommentFastSingle row deletion; no recalculations needed for siblings.
Re-parent a SubtreeModerateRequires updating paths for all descendants, but no complex recalculations.
PaginationModerateSorting by path or timestamp works, but requires careful handling.

Best Use Case: Dynamic hierarchies with moderate depth, such as nested comment systems with frequent updates.

4. Materialized Path with DFS Index

Fetch SubtreeVery FastCombines range queries (start_id, end_id) and prefix-based queries (path).
Insert a CommentModerateRequires updating paths and calculating new start_id, end_id.
Delete a CommentModerateDeletes the comment and adjusts indices for descendants.
Re-parent a SubtreeFastUpdates path for descendants but doesn't require recalculating indices.
PaginationVery FastEasily integrates range and timestamp-based pagination.

Best Use Case: Complex dynamic systems with frequent subtree queries, such as social media platforms like Reddit.

Real-World Examples

1. Reddit-Like Nested Comments

Model: Materialized Path with DFS Index

  • Why: Efficient subtree queries (start_id, end_id) for fetching threads, combined with dynamic updates (path) for replies.
  • Query: Fetch a comment and all replies:
    SELECT * 
    FROM comments
    WHERE start_id >= 100 AND end_id <= 200
    ORDER BY start_id;

2. Documentation System

Model: Nested Set

  • Why: Static hierarchy where updates are rare, and subtree retrieval is critical.
  • Query: Fetch all child nodes under a section:
    SELECT * 
    FROM comments
    WHERE left_id >= 10 AND right_id <= 20
    ORDER BY left_id;

3. Basic Blog Comments

Model: Adjacency List

  • Why: Simple, shallow hierarchies without complex queries.
  • Query: Fetch all direct replies to a comment:
    SELECT * 
    FROM comments
    WHERE parent_id = 5
    ORDER BY created_at;

When to Combine Models

For complex systems, it’s common to combine multiple models:

  • Use Adjacency List for quick inserts and updates.
  • Add DFS Index for efficient subtree queries.
  • Use Path Enumeration for re-parenting flexibility.

Part 5: Handling Dynamic Updates and Hybrid Approaches

Dynamic systems like nested comments often require efficient handling of updates, including new comment insertion, deletions, and re-parenting subtrees. Hybrid approaches combine the strengths of different models to meet these needs.

Dynamic Updates in Nested Comments

1. Insertion

  • Challenge: Adding a comment dynamically must maintain the hierarchical structure.
  • Approaches:
    • Adjacency List:
      • Add a new comment by specifying its parent_id.
      • Query time remains unaffected since no recalculations are needed.
      • Example:
        INSERT INTO comments (parent_id, content, created_at) 
        VALUES (5, 'This is a reply to comment 5', NOW());
    • Materialized Path:
      • Append to the parent’s path for the new comment.
      • Use decimal or fractional IDs if needed for start_id and end_id.
      • Example:
        INSERT INTO comments (path, start_id, end_id, content, created_at) 
        VALUES ('1.2.3', 8, 8, 'Nested reply to 1.2', NOW());

2. Deletion

  • Challenge: Removing a comment may leave orphaned replies or require recalculating indices.
  • Approaches:
    • Adjacency List:
      • Delete a comment, then decide how to handle orphaned children:
        • Either cascade delete or reassign them to a higher parent.
      • Example:
        DELETE FROM comments WHERE id = 5;
        -- Optional: Reassign orphaned children
        UPDATE comments SET parent_id = 1 WHERE parent_id = 5;
    • Materialized Path:
      • Remove the comment and reassign paths for its descendants.
      • Example:
        DELETE FROM comments WHERE start_id = 8 AND end_id = 8;

3. Re-Parenting

  • Challenge: Moving a subtree to a new parent requires updating hierarchical data efficiently.
  • Approaches:
    • Adjacency List:
      • Update the parent_id of the subtree's root node.
      • No need for recalculations.
      • Example:
        UPDATE comments SET parent_id = 10 WHERE id = 5;
    • Materialized Path:
      • Update the path for the entire subtree.
      • Example:
        UPDATE comments SET path = REPLACE(path, '1.2', '1.3') WHERE path LIKE '1.2.%';

Hybrid Approaches

1. Combine Adjacency List with Materialized Path

Idea: Use parent_id for direct parent-child relationships and path for efficient subtree queries.

  • Schema:

    CREATE TABLE comments (
    parent_id INT NULL,
    path TEXT NOT NULL,
    content TEXT,
    created_at TIMESTAMP
  • Advantages:

    • Simple insertion with parent_id.
    • Efficient subtree queries with path.
  • Example Queries:

    • Fetch all replies to a comment:
      SELECT * FROM comments WHERE path LIKE '1.2.%' ORDER BY path;

2. Combine Materialized Path with DFS Index

Idea: Use start_id and end_id for range queries and path for flexibility in dynamic updates.

  • Schema:

    CREATE TABLE comments (
    path TEXT NOT NULL,
    start_id INT NOT NULL,
    end_id INT NOT NULL,
    content TEXT,
    created_at TIMESTAMP
  • Advantages:

    • Efficient subtree queries with start_id and end_id.
    • Flexibility for re-parenting using path.
  • Example Queries:

    • Fetch all replies to a comment:
      SELECT * 
      FROM comments
      WHERE start_id >= 2 AND end_id <= 4
      ORDER BY start_id;
    • Re-parent a subtree:
      UPDATE comments SET path = REPLACE(path, '1.2', '1.3') WHERE path LIKE '1.2.%';

Performance Considerations

OperationAdjacency ListMaterialized PathHybrid
DeletionModerate (cascade logic)Moderate (path updates)Moderate
Fetch SubtreeSlow (recursive queries)Fast (range or prefix query)Fast
PaginationDifficultModerate (with path)Fast

Real-World Use Case: Reddit-Style Nested Comments


  • Efficiently fetch top-level comments and lazily load nested replies.
  • Support dynamic updates, like adding replies or deleting subtrees.


  1. Hybrid Model:

    • Use parent_id for quick insertion.
    • Use path and start_id/end_id for efficient subtree and pagination queries.
  2. Workflow:

    • Add a Comment:
      • Insert into the table with the parent’s path and dynamically assign start_id/end_id.
    • Fetch Comments:
      • Fetch top-level comments using:
        SELECT * FROM comments WHERE parent_id IS NULL ORDER BY created_at LIMIT 10;
      • Fetch replies using:
        SELECT * FROM comments WHERE path LIKE '1.%' ORDER BY path;

Part 6: Pagination Strategies for Nested Comments

Pagination is critical for systems with large datasets, such as nested comments, where loading all comments at once is impractical. A well-designed pagination strategy ensures efficient and user-friendly navigation through top-level comments and their nested replies.

Pagination Requirements

  1. Top-Level Pagination:

    • Fetch top-level comments with metadata (e.g., number of replies, votes) and limit the number of results.
  2. Nested Replies Pagination:

    • Load replies for a specific comment lazily, ensuring only a small subset of replies is loaded at a time.
  3. Infinite Scrolling:

    • Allow users to scroll through comments seamlessly by fetching additional comments dynamically.
  4. Efficient Queries:

    • Queries should scale with the dataset size and support sorting by relevance, time, or votes.

Strategies for Pagination

1. Pagination for Adjacency List

In the adjacency list model, pagination can be achieved using LIMIT and OFFSET for top-level comments and a recursive approach for nested replies.

Top-Level Pagination
  • Fetch a limited number of top-level comments ordered by timestamp or votes:
    SELECT * 
    FROM comments
    WHERE parent_id IS NULL
    ORDER BY created_at DESC
    LIMIT 10 OFFSET 20;
Nested Replies Pagination
  • Fetch replies for a given parent comment with a limit:
    SELECT * 
    FROM comments
    WHERE parent_id = 5
    ORDER BY created_at ASC
    LIMIT 5 OFFSET 10;
  • Deep Nesting: Recursive queries are required to fetch nested replies, which can be inefficient.
  • Offset Performance: For large datasets, using OFFSET can become slow as the database scans through rows to find the starting point.

2. Pagination for Materialized Path

Materialized path simplifies subtree queries by using prefix-based searches for nested replies.

Top-Level Pagination
  • Fetch top-level comments with no parent:
    SELECT * 
    FROM comments
    WHERE path = '1'
    ORDER BY created_at DESC
    LIMIT 10;
Nested Replies Pagination
  • Fetch a limited number of replies for a specific path:
    SELECT * 
    FROM comments
    WHERE path LIKE '1.2.%'
    ORDER BY path
    LIMIT 5 OFFSET 10;
  • Efficient for hierarchical queries.
  • Easy to implement for lazy loading.

3. Pagination for Materialized Path with DFS Index

The hybrid approach combining path and DFS indices (start_id, end_id) allows range-based pagination for both top-level comments and nested replies.

Top-Level Pagination
  • Use range queries with sorting to fetch top-level comments:
    SELECT * 
    FROM comments
    WHERE parent_id IS NULL
    ORDER BY start_id
    LIMIT 10;
Nested Replies Pagination
  • Fetch replies within the start_id and end_id range for a parent:
    SELECT * 
    FROM comments
    WHERE start_id >= 10 AND end_id <= 20
    ORDER BY start_id
  • Combines efficient subtree retrieval with range-based pagination.
  • Allows fetching comments lazily without excessive database scans.

Pagination Example: Reddit-Style Comments

Use Case

  1. A user views a thread with thousands of comments.
  2. The system fetches the first 10 top-level comments, sorted by time or votes.
  3. For each comment, replies are fetched lazily when the user expands the thread.


CREATE TABLE comments (
parent_id INT NULL,
start_id INT NOT NULL,
end_id INT NOT NULL,
content TEXT,
created_at TIMESTAMP

Query Workflow

  1. Fetch Top-Level Comments

    SELECT * 
    FROM comments
    WHERE parent_id IS NULL
    ORDER BY start_id
    LIMIT 10;
  2. Lazy Load Replies

    SELECT * 
    FROM comments
    WHERE path LIKE '1.%'
    ORDER BY path
  3. Efficient Range Queries

    • For deeply nested comments, use range-based queries:
      SELECT * 
      FROM comments
      WHERE start_id >= 15 AND end_id <= 30
      ORDER BY start_id
      LIMIT 5;

Handling Infinite Scrolling

For infinite scrolling, instead of using OFFSET, use a cursor-based pagination strategy for better performance.

Cursor-Based Pagination

  • Use the start_id of the last loaded comment as a cursor.
  • Fetch the next batch of comments starting from the cursor:
    SELECT * 
    FROM comments
    WHERE start_id > 20
    ORDER BY start_id
    LIMIT 10;

Comparison of Pagination Strategies

ModelTop-Level PaginationNested Replies PaginationPerformance
Adjacency ListSimple with LIMIT and OFFSETRecursive queries for nestingInefficient for deep trees
Materialized PathEfficient with prefix queriesSimple with LIKE and range queriesScales well for moderate nesting
Materialized Path + DFS IndexEfficient with range queriesFast with start_id and end_idBest for large-scale systems with frequent updates

Part 7: Scaling Nested Comments

Scaling nested comments involves ensuring that the system can handle increasing volumes of data, users, and requests without degrading performance. This requires architectural considerations, database optimizations, and caching strategies.

Key Challenges in Scaling Nested Comments

  1. High Volume of Data:

    • Large-scale systems like Reddit or Facebook have millions of comments, potentially in a single thread.
  2. Frequent Reads:

    • Comment threads are read-heavy, with users frequently viewing threads while only occasionally adding new comments.
  3. Dynamic Updates:

    • New comments, edits, and deletions must be handled dynamically without significantly impacting performance.
  4. Nested Queries:

    • Retrieving subtrees or paginated replies for deeply nested threads requires efficient query execution.

Strategies for Scaling

1. Database Sharding

Split the comments table across multiple shards to distribute the load and increase capacity.

  • Shard Key:

    • Use a combination of thread_id and start_id (or path) to partition data.
    • Ensures that all comments in a thread are stored on the same shard, minimizing cross-shard queries.
  • Example Schema:

    CREATE TABLE comments_shard_1 (
    thread_id INT NOT NULL,
    start_id INT NOT NULL,
    path TEXT NOT NULL,
    content TEXT,
    created_at TIMESTAMP
  • Query Workflow:

    • Route queries to the appropriate shard using the thread_id.
    • Example:
      SELECT * 
      FROM comments_shard_1
      WHERE thread_id = 101 AND start_id >= 10 AND end_id <= 20;

2. Caching

Use an in-memory cache (e.g., Redis, Memcached) to reduce database load for frequently accessed threads.

  • Cache Structure:

    • Store top-level comments and their immediate replies in the cache.
    • Use a hierarchical key structure to cache nested replies:
      • Example: thread:<thread_id>:comment:<comment_id>
  • Workflow:

    1. Check the cache for the requested comments.
    2. If the data is missing, query the database and populate the cache.
    3. Return the cached data to subsequent requests.
  • Example with Redis:

    # Store comments in Redis
    SET thread:101:comment:5 "[{id: 6, content: 'Reply 1'}, {id: 7, content: 'Reply 2'}]"

    # Retrieve comments from Redis
    GET thread:101:comment:5

3. Asynchronous Processing

Offload complex operations, such as subtree updates or large comment deletions, to asynchronous job queues.

  • Example Workflow:
    1. A new comment is added to a large thread.
    2. Instead of recalculating start_id and end_id immediately, enqueue the operation in a job queue (e.g., RabbitMQ, Kafka).
    3. A worker process updates the indices asynchronously, minimizing the impact on real-time requests.

4. Denormalization

Store precomputed data (e.g., subtree sizes, reply counts) to avoid expensive computations at query time.

  • Schema Example:

    CREATE TABLE comments (
    parent_id INT NULL,
    path TEXT NOT NULL,
    start_id INT NOT NULL,
    end_id INT NOT NULL,
    reply_count INT DEFAULT 0,
    content TEXT,
    created_at TIMESTAMP
  • Workflow:

    1. Increment the reply_count of the parent comment when a new reply is added.
    2. Use the reply_count for UI elements like "Show X replies" without querying the database.

5. Read-Optimized Data Stores

Consider using read-optimized databases like Elasticsearch for searching and retrieving comments at scale.

  • Advantages:

    • Fast full-text search for comment content.
    • Efficient filtering and sorting based on time, votes, or relevance.
  • Workflow:

    • Sync the comments database with Elasticsearch using a Change Data Capture (CDC) system (e.g., Kafka Connect).
    • Query Elasticsearch for read-heavy operations.
  • Example Query:

    "query": {
    "bool": {
    "must": [
    { "term": { "thread_id": 101 } },
    { "range": { "created_at": { "gte": "2025-01-01" } } }

6. Precomputed Views

Materialize frequently accessed data into precomputed views (e.g., a flattened thread structure).

  • Example:

    • Store a flattened view of comments for each thread in a separate table:
      CREATE TABLE thread_flattened (
      thread_id INT,
      flattened_comments JSONB
  • Query Workflow:

    • Fetch the entire thread structure in a single query:
      SELECT flattened_comments 
      FROM thread_flattened
      WHERE thread_id = 101;

Trade-Offs and Real-World Considerations

Scaling StrategyAdvantagesChallenges
ShardingHandles high data volume; reduces hotspotsComplex cross-shard queries; requires routing.
CachingLow latency for frequent readsCache invalidation for dynamic updates.
Asynchronous ProcessingReduces impact of expensive operationsRequires robust job queue and worker processes.
DenormalizationImproves read performanceIncreases storage and complexity of writes.
Read-Optimized StoresFast search and filteringAdditional infrastructure; eventual consistency.
Precomputed ViewsFast reads for entire threadsExpensive to maintain for frequently updated data.

Recommendations for Scaling

  1. Start Simple:

    • Begin with a relational database and basic caching for small-scale systems.
  2. Introduce Optimizations Gradually:

    • As the system grows, add sharding, denormalization, and precomputed views as needed.
  3. Optimize for Read-Heavy Workloads:

    • Use a combination of caching and read-optimized data stores like Elasticsearch.
  4. Leverage Asynchronous Processing:

    • Offload expensive operations to job queues to keep the user experience fast.

Part 8: Real-World Examples of Scaling Nested Comments

To better understand how scaling nested comments works in practice, let's explore real-world examples from popular platforms like Reddit, Facebook, and Hacker News. Each platform has unique requirements, which influence the architecture and design choices for handling nested comments.

1. Reddit: Deeply Nested Threads

Use Case:

  • Reddit supports highly nested comment threads with dynamic voting, collapsing, and sorting based on relevance, time, or popularity.


  1. Deep Nesting: Comments can have arbitrary depths, requiring efficient subtree retrieval.
  2. Dynamic Sorting: Comments are sorted by upvotes, time, or a combination (e.g., "Hot" ranking).
  3. Large Threads: Popular threads can have millions of comments, requiring efficient pagination and lazy loading.


  • Hybrid Approach:

    • Materialized Path:
      • Use paths to represent hierarchy, enabling efficient subtree queries and lazy loading.
      • Example Path: "1/2/3" (Comment 3 is a reply to Comment 2, which is a reply to Comment 1).
    • DFS Index:
      • Use start_id and end_id for fast range-based queries.
  • Database:

    • Primary Storage: Relational database (e.g., PostgreSQL).
    • Search and Ranking: Elasticsearch for sorting and filtering based on votes, time, or relevance.
  • Workflow:

    1. Fetch top-level comments:
      SELECT * 
      FROM comments
      WHERE path = '1'
      ORDER BY votes DESC, created_at ASC
      LIMIT 10;
    2. Fetch nested replies:
      SELECT * 
      FROM comments
      WHERE path LIKE '1/2.%'
      ORDER BY path
      LIMIT 5;
    3. Use Elasticsearch for relevance ranking:
      "query": {
      "bool": {
      "must": [
      { "term": { "thread_id": 101 } },
      { "range": { "created_at": { "gte": "2025-01-01" } } }
      "should": [
      { "term": { "votes": 10 } },
      { "term": { "relevance_score": 5 } }

2. Facebook: Shallow Threads with High Traffic

Use Case:

  • Facebook comments are typically shallow (1-2 levels deep) and focus on high throughput for reads and writes.


  1. High Traffic: Billions of users interacting with posts and comments simultaneously.
  2. Shallow Hierarchies: Most comments and replies are limited to 1-2 levels deep.
  3. Real-Time Updates: New comments, likes, and replies must propagate to users instantly.


  • Adjacency List:

    • Use parent_id for parent-child relationships, as the shallow structure minimizes recursive queries.
  • Denormalized Views:

    • Precompute comment counts and store the most recent replies directly in the post metadata.
  • Database:

    • Primary Storage: Distributed NoSQL database (e.g., RocksDB or Cassandra) for high throughput.
    • Cache: Redis or Memcached for frequently accessed threads.
  • Workflow:

    1. Fetch top-level comments:
      SELECT * 
      FROM comments
      WHERE post_id = 101 AND parent_id IS NULL
      ORDER BY created_at DESC
      LIMIT 10;
    2. Fetch replies:
      SELECT * 
      FROM comments
      WHERE parent_id = 5
      ORDER BY created_at ASC
      LIMIT 5;


  • Use precomputed fields for quick access:
    • reply_count: Total replies for a comment.
    • last_reply: Timestamp of the most recent reply.

3. Hacker News: Simplified Threaded Comments

Use Case:

  • Hacker News uses a relatively simple nested comment system, with fixed sorting by time and votes.


  1. Efficient Fetching: Retrieving nested comments for a thread with minimal latency.
  2. Fixed Sorting: Comments are ordered by time or score without dynamic ranking.


  • Materialized Path with Recursive Queries:

    • Use a simple path-based hierarchy for nesting.
    • Combine with recursive queries for flexibility.
  • Database:

    • Relational database (e.g., SQLite or MySQL), as the comment volume is manageable.
  • Workflow:

    1. Fetch comments recursively for a thread:
      WITH RECURSIVE CommentTree AS (
      SELECT * FROM comments WHERE id = 1
      SELECT c.* FROM comments c
      INNER JOIN CommentTree ct ON c.parent_id =
      SELECT * FROM CommentTree ORDER BY created_at ASC;
  • Optimization:

    • Prefetch the top-level comments for threads during page load.
    • Fetch nested replies lazily when users expand a comment.

4. YouTube: Flat Comment Threads

Use Case:

  • YouTube comments are primarily flat, with a single level of replies.


  1. Flat Structure: Replies are not deeply nested but must still be grouped under their parent.
  2. High Volume: Popular videos can have millions of comments.


  • Flat Table with Reply Groups:

    • Store parent-child relationships in a flat table.
    • Use parent_id to group replies.
  • Database:

    • Distributed NoSQL database for scalability.
  • Workflow:

    1. Fetch top-level comments:
      SELECT * 
      FROM comments
      WHERE video_id = 101 AND parent_id IS NULL
      ORDER BY votes DESC
      LIMIT 20;
    2. Fetch replies for a comment:
      SELECT * 
      FROM comments
      WHERE parent_id = 5
      ORDER BY created_at ASC
      LIMIT 10;


  • Cache the most upvoted comments for popular videos.
  • Use precomputed reply counts for UI.

Key Takeaways from Real-World Examples

  1. System-Specific Models:

    • Use simpler models (e.g., adjacency lists) for shallow hierarchies.
    • Use hybrid or materialized path models for deep, dynamic hierarchies.
  2. Caching:

    • Cache frequently accessed threads and comments to reduce database load.
  3. Read-Heavy Systems:

    • Prioritize read-optimized databases like Elasticsearch for search and ranking.
  4. Asynchronous Updates:

    • Handle expensive operations like re-parenting and subtree updates asynchronously to maintain responsiveness.